
Amazing Discoveries prefers to keep gifts unrestricted as all of our work is evangelistic in nature. Your donations support the following:

  • Broadcasting 24/7 worldwide on ADtv Satellite
    • on Galaxy 19 (North America)
    • Opus D2 (Australia, New Zealand)
    • IS-20 (southern Africa and parts of Europe)
  • Web Evangelism
  • Documentaries
  • Reaching the Farsi and Arabic speaking Muslim population
  • Bible Worker in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries 
  • Support of Pastors like Walter Veith and Shahbaz as well as our staff
  • Building Fund/Mission School 
  • Bible study guides & resources for further study
  • Translations of our material into many languages
  • Free public internet channel & video resources
  • Live evangelistic seminars wherever requested through our speakers/evangelists
  • Online and DVD Evangelism
and enter the amount you wish to donate:

Please donate to our evangelistic work - by donating to Evangelism Wherever Needed - your donations cover the many needs of our ministry without limiting our ability to finance each project.


Help us move into the country and start a mission school



Total donation amount must be at least US$10.00

AD issues tax-deductible receipts each January-February for all the donations made in the previous financial year.

While Amazing Discoveries seeks to honor all restricted gifts to be used for their designated purpose, Amazing Discoveries reserves the right to determine the final use and disposition of financial gifts received. 

AD does not share or sell our client or donor information with any other parties. Your personal data remains with and for the exclusive use of Amazing Discoveries. Remember that your gift is tax deductible and goes straight to these areas of need. We are grateful for your support.