Order our full Reformation Summit Package which includes 30 DVDs!
The full summit package contains:
- 5 DVDs of Walter Veith's series From Darkness to Dawn
- 11 DVDs of Walter Veith's series Rekindling the Reformation
- 8 DVDs of Walter Veith's series In the Stream of Time
- 5 DVDs of Walter Veith's series From Crete to Malta
- 1 DVD of Enmity
ORDER today! Call 1-866-572-9457 to order over the phone.
Walter Veith's series From Darkness to Dawn:
2017 marks the 500-year jubilee of the Protestant Reformation. Why do we still need to remember the Reformation, and is it still relevant for us today? In this 5-part series, we will examine the darkness of the middle ages before the dawn of the reformation and what the issues were then. Are they relevant today?
Discover the importance of understanding justification by faith and how it’s vital to a Christian walk. Learn about how appreciative we should truly be about the atonement. Hear about the ever increasing compromise of truth on the altar of peace, and uncover the true cost of unity at the expense of doctrine. Finally Pastor Walter Veith will delve into the real significance of the seventh-day Sabbath.
D971: The Cornerstone of Protestantism
D972: The Atonement
D973: Conflict to Communion
D974: Appeal to the Protestant Brethren
D975: The Meaning of Rest
Walter Veith's series Rekindling the Reformation:
Rekindling the Reformation is an 11-part series of inspiring and relevant multimedia presentations on the pivotal issues of the Reformation and how they relate to present day. Professor Walter Veith clarifies the disputes that led to the horrific and bloody persecutions of the Dark Ages and demonstrates the urgency of understanding the same principles that are still under attack today. Millions of Christians died for their beliefs, such as the identity of the Antichrist and salvation by grace alone. Their sacrifice succeeded in subduing an empire and making freedom of religion and thought possible.
But, their success was short-lived. Through the centuries since the Reformation, we have lost the beliefs the reformers stood for. We have allowed God’s truth to be mixed with error. Today, we reap the repercussions of our lethargic neglect. The Roman Empire’s wound is healed, and politicians and heads of state follow papal Rome without reluctance. Professor Veith presents clear insight into the underlying objectives of today’s political, economic, and religious maneuverings. He explains why we may have to fight the battle of the Reformation all over again. Will you know the issues and understand the enemies’ tactics enough to resist error? This series will equip you.
D931: The Twin Pillars of the Reformation
D932: Let There Be Light
D933: They Have Made Void Thy Law Part 1
D934: The Beamable Sustainable Princes
D935: They Have Made Void Thy Law Part 2
D936: The Fourth Man in the Furnace
D937: Heritage of Israel
D938: The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part 1
D939: The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part 2
D940: The Typology of Deliverance
D941: A Price to be Paid
Walter Veith's series In the Stream of Time:
As Christians, we experience a lot of controversy and debate. Most people in the world are completely unaware of what we stand for, and what our beliefs actually mean. In order to effectively spread the Gospel, we must be sure and steady in our own convictions. Do we know our own stance on the evolution versus creation debate? Do we know the history of the Reformers and the significance of the Reformation? Do we truly understand the Ten Commandments and what they each mean for us today?
There are many aspects to our faith, and we must know them inside and out. We can read and talk about history, but it is the modern application of faith and the current events that really interest people. In this series with Walter Veith we will cover a wide range of Christian topics that all affect us today.
We will see what events in history has shaped the events of today and witness prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes. Where do we stand in the stream of time and are we prepared for what comes next?
D251: Creation Restored
D252: Protestants, Prophecy, and the Papacy
D253: Twisting the Ten Commandments
D254: Two Allies, the Beast and Its Image
D255: Charismatic Renewal
D256: The Coming Kingdom
D257: History's Endgame
D258: The Final Elijah
Walter Veith's series From Crete to Malta
We are living in tumultuous times. In this 5-part series with Professor Walter Veith we look at the movements in the religious world that are seeking to downgrade Protestantism and merge it into one ecumenical body.
In this compelling series From Crete to Malta, we will investigate recent events to see how prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. What do the recent events on the world stage mean in light of Biblical prophecy? Is Islam rearing its head yet again? Are we reading the prophecies correctly? Examine the Antichrist’s tactics to gain control of the world.
This set includes:
D241: Part 1
D242: Part 2
D243: Part 3
D244: Part 4
D245: Part 5
After a couple years of work, the 1st episode - Battles Lines: Prologue - is finally here. The making of this series has been a challenge as the devil has tried repeatedly to hinder it and prevents its completion. By the grace of God, #1 is ready, and #2 is in the works. Throughout the production, the concepts surrounding this issue of enmity have been revealed to us in multiple ways. The war between Christ and Satan is an all-out war that wages every single day. We are so used to living in the world, that we hardly notice that this controversy exists. But it does exist, not only on a global level, but also in relationships between people, and even within our own hearts. Enmity - a permanent hostility between two parties - is seen wherever we look. From the interactions between husband and wife, sister to brother, friend to friend, neighbour to neighbour, stranger to stranger - in the family, in society, between countries - enmity rages.
Enmity can be both good and bad. The enmity Satan promotes is hatred against God. And he does everything in his power to create disunity, disharmony, conflict, rebellion, and outright war against God or anything or anyone that might want to follow God. The enmity of God is the grace given by God to resist the devil. It is God working on our twisted hearts to make them in line with His Spirit. This is where enmity rages the most - day to day we are faced with choices - choosing to speak and act and think like God or contrary to Him. And every little choice brings us one step closer or farther away from God and the life of perfect obedience and happiness that He has in plan for each of us. Of the decisions made on that personal level, our society is composed. Of society's composition, we experience the goodness or evil of what the collective mindset can produce. And most often it is pain and suffering. Because our choices affect others for good or for evil.
The little choices we make each day are not as little as we often think. The outcome of this war between good and evil in our hearts will affect our destiny. Enmity the series is about this war - the war for every heart, and the war Satan wages against God on a global level.
Enmity #1 - Battle Lines: Prologue - begins at the beginning - where it all started - in Genesis. The battle lines were drawn back there in the garden and 6000 years later, we are still not finished with this war. Future episodes will cover this topic further and explore enmity on a personal and global level.
In the end, we find that God's enmity is our only hope. Allowing God to increase our revulsion for evil, our fear of stepping out of the boundaries of His perfect law, and thereby a reflection of His character, restoring the image of God that was man was designed to be in the first place.
The Enmity series is for anyone who has asked the hard questions: why there is suffering and pain in this world? what is my purpose in this life? where are we going? how will it end? We encourage you to share this DVD with friends and family and start meaningful discussions about the real questions in life.
Enmity comes with subtitles in 8 different languages. Purchase your copy today to get access to this vital message in the following languages:
- Afrikaans
- Czech
- English
- French
- German
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
Bonus features available on the DVD:
- Who is Michael the Archangel?
- Was it necessary that we experience sin, death, and suffering in order to understand God?
- Why didn't God destroy lucifer?
- Selfishness
- God's mind vs. lucifer's mind
Common | |
Author | Other |
DVD Type | Set |
Language | English |
Number of DVDs | 30 |
Release Date | 2017 |
Series Name | --None-- |
Time Length | |
Topic | Bible Doctrine |
Topic | Bible Prophecy |
Topic | History |
Topic | Reformation |
989 - Reformation Summit
- SKU: D989
- Availability: Pre-Order